Kinomichi, the path of flowing energy, was created in1979 by Masamichi Noro, a disciple of Morei Ueshiba, founder of aikido.
Unlike combat sports, kinomichi turns defense techniques into cordial relationships, thus converting adversaries into partners liberating them from tensions and reactivating physical tonus.
o KINOMICHI - les 111 mouvements
The purpose of this book is
to leave a testimony, as close as possible to the teaching that Master Masamichi Noro has so generously transmitted to us, and to keep a trace of the movements of kinomichi, this marvellous art.
These 111 movements are the fundamentals bequeathed by Master Noro.
Carried out in the spirit of Kinomichi, essential to our progression, they aim to help us to continue on our way.
The other books :
o Studies and Cane are available.
Many thank you for your interest
Jean Granier